Monday, May 9, 2011

Getting Started Post for my Woodworking Blog

I have to give credit to my brother for getting me started on this.  He created a blog call the fish whisper to share all of his fishing stories.  Since he decided to share his hobby I decided to do the same.

Below you will see a few of the items that I have created from a woodworking perspective.  I have started to take custom orders from friends, that has allowed me to start to create a little buzz about my projects.

Below are the first real projects I created with my brother as a gift for our Mom at Christmas.  Thanks bro for your help creating these chairs for mom.

Next are some project that I created for my son Connor who is 3.5 as of this post.  I really enjoy building stuff with my hands, and being able to say they are handmade and made with love.

More to come with other project that I have created.

If you would like anything that you see here contact me at

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