Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Recent woodworking class at woodcraft in Charlotte

This past weekend I took a woodworking class at the local Woodcraft store and made a hinged box out of soft maple and rosewood with a wenge inlay and cherry accents.  All in all it was a very fun project, I had not done any woodworking in a while and it was great to make something again.   This was a Christmas from my wife and I was just able to use it.

Here are some pics of the box as I progressed thru the steps:

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Did some one say checkerboard.   Well modified checkerboard.  I had to make some boards to donate to a  silent auction, and these are what I created.  It gave me a chance to try out some new techniques.

This on is a walnut and oak modified checker patter.

The next one has walnut, oak, mahogany, and popular (i think).