Thursday, May 15, 2014

Catch up post. I have not been out here in awhile

There have been lots of new creation and projects in the workshop since my last post, and here are some pics of my most favorite.

Please check out for the most resent information and what i have for sale.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Recent woodworking class at woodcraft in Charlotte

This past weekend I took a woodworking class at the local Woodcraft store and made a hinged box out of soft maple and rosewood with a wenge inlay and cherry accents.  All in all it was a very fun project, I had not done any woodworking in a while and it was great to make something again.   This was a Christmas from my wife and I was just able to use it.

Here are some pics of the box as I progressed thru the steps:

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Did some one say checkerboard.   Well modified checkerboard.  I had to make some boards to donate to a  silent auction, and these are what I created.  It gave me a chance to try out some new techniques.

This on is a walnut and oak modified checker patter.

The next one has walnut, oak, mahogany, and popular (i think).

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Friday, November 18, 2011

New larger cutting boards

I created a few new boards that are larger in size.

These will range from 80 to 125.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Walnut Clock with Bark left on

I recently acquired some walnut wood from my father in law.  I decided it would be fun to make a wall clock out of one of the pieces.  I bought a clock to get the motor and hands then I route the back to fit the motor and battery.  Then I routed at the 12, 3, 6, & 9 a spot to inlay a piece of oak.  I sand the face and then applied a coat of poly to the wood and bark.  This was a fun and quick project to work on in an afternoon.

Monday, August 15, 2011

New Boards and New Design

I recent was ask to make a board to swap with some that was making me something in return for me.  While doing that I decided to make a few other boards to have on hand.  Below you will see 3 boards and one that has a new pattern where the wood is stacked differently.  All of these are made from a mixed species of woods that procure from Rockler.  These boards where made, sanded and first coat of finished applied in one day last weekend.

If you have any interest in purchasing a board feel free to reach out to me and discuss the options i have avaialbe or could possibly make.